Plastic Policy
As a company, we are committed to re-using and recycling as much as we can and limiting our consumption and use of resources.
Our Sosmix and pre-packed items are packed in biodegradeable/compostable packaging including the sellotape, film and label. Bags are made from cellulose (made from wood pulp).
In-store we offer a refill & recycle scheme which includes many household and beauty items including Laundry Liquid, Fabric Softener, Multi Surface Cleanser, Bathroom Cleaner, Washing Up Liquid, Shampoo, Conditioner, Bath/Shower Gel. We also offer refills on Marigold Nutritional Yeast with B12.
We also stock a wide range of products with no single use plastic which can help you cut down your plastic consumption.
You can view our Homewear Eco Living here.
You can view our Health & Beauty Eco Living here.
How is your order packed?
If your order is packed in a DPD posting bag then the bag is made from partly recycled plastics and is 100% recyclable.
If your order is packed in a box then we have re-used the box and the box is recyclable. To keep your products safe whilst in transit we re-use as much packaging as possible including cardboard lining and fillers. You may find cardboard blankets, bubble wrap and polystyrene peanuts, this is because we re-use materials that could otherwise end up in the bin.
If you have ordered chilled and or frozen goods then we use chill bags/bubble bags and ice packs, again re-used where possible and the polystyrene cool boxes we use have always been delivered to us and we have re-used them.We're always happy to re-use your packaging again where possible so if
you are ever passing our store, visiting us at a vegan festival or would
simply like to post your packaging back to us, please do so.
We are always committed to finding the right solution to get your goods to you in the best condition possible. We know we can do more and we are working on it.